During the excavation at the World Heritage Site on Salisbury Plain, the researchers also found a beaker pottery fragment, Roman ceramics and ancient stone hammers. 考古人员还在发掘过程中发现了大口陶器杯的碎片、古罗马陶器以及古石锤。位于索尔兹伯里平原的史前巨石阵已被列入世界文化遗址。
The unearthed pottery, stone, jade, bone and tooth material for the production of different tools, appliances and accessories of life are extremely attractive. 出土的陶、石、玉、骨、牙器等不同质料的生产工具、生活用具和装饰品都异常精美。
Approach to Making Pottery Technology of the New Stone Age on the Middle Reaches of the Yangtse River 长江中游流域新石器时代制陶工艺初探不同烧结工艺对牙科钾长石陶瓷增强的研究
Chief among them are porcelain and pottery, laces, embroidery, carpets, brocade, cloisonn é, carvings of jade, stone, ivory and wood, lacquerware, braiding, toys, etc. 它们中主要的是陶瓷、花边、刺绣品、地毯、织锦、景泰蓝、玉雕、石雕、象牙雕刻和木雕、漆器、编织物、玩具等等。
Analysis of coating on painted pottery of new stone age of Xi Shan ruin and relation with sintering temperature 新石器时期西山遗址古陶器表面陶彩的分析及其与烧结温度的关系
The emergence and development of the painted pottery reflected the historic progress of mankind in the New Stone Age. 彩陶的产生和发展是新石器时代人类历史演进的重要标志之一。
Artefacts dated Songze Culture including pottery stem cup, pot, cauldron, jade slotted ring and stone axe were yielded within the housing feature. 经初步清理,房址内出有崧泽文化早期的陶豆、罐、釜和玉玦、石斧等器物。
The102pieces or groups of funerary objects unearthed include bronze, pottery, jade and stone. 出土随葬器物102件(组)、有铜器、玉石器等。
The funerary objects were quite rich, showing characteristics of the early Jin dynasty, and made of pottery, bronze, iron, stone, porcelain, lacquer or wood. 随葬器物较丰富,有陶器、铜器、铁器、石器、瓷器、漆木器等,具有西晋早期的特征。
Before the Late Shang Dynasty, there was a long developing process of salt making with pottery in Yu Dong region and if guess without fault, they might appeared in the Late New Stone Age. 在商代晚期以前,渝东地区应当还有相当长一段时间的陶器制盐的发展过程,如果推测不错,就有可能出现在新石器时代晚期。
Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, tourism and construction material industry focusing on pottery, cement and stone material get the greatest potential to be the primary industry. 经过定性和定量分析,认为旅游业和以陶瓷、水泥、石材为主的建材工业最有希望成为宁远的主导产业。
The areal physiognomy and characteristics of water system and its evolutional process of natural environment all take on obviously axial symmetry, whose axis is the south-north Mufu mountain-Luoxiao Mountain ranges. Approach to Making Pottery Technology of the New Stone Age on the Middle Reaches of the Yangtse River 长江中游流域的区域地貌、水系特征以及自然环境的演化过程,均表现为明显的轴对称特点,对称轴为南北向的幕阜山&罗霄山山脉。长江中游流域新石器时代制陶工艺初探
The second tomb was a square single-chamber brick structure with a domed roof, and yielded a total of139funerary objects including pottery figurines and utensils, animal models and a stone epitaph. 张臣合墓为方形单室穹隆顶砖墓,出土随葬器物139件,种类有陶俑及动物模型、陶器皿和石墓志。
The Xingtai soda, feldspar, and Part quartz were rePlaced by the local pottery stone, waste materials of the factory in Producing sanitary pottery. The flung temperature of products was reduced, the quality of products was improved. 利用本地瓷石和厂内废料代替河北邢台碱、长石和部分石英生产卫生瓷,可降低产品烧成温度,提高产品质量。
China has long been creatively used to form lines, such as painted pottery of the original period paintings, rock paintings, and murals, as well as tomb stone and brick, such as portraits. 中国很早就创造性地用线条去造型,比如原始时期的彩陶绘画,岩画,墓室帛画和壁画以及画像石和画像砖等。